Lo-Carbon Tempra now on i-A.C.Systems!

Designed specifically to offer affordable easy to install heat recovery to the residential refurbishment market, the Lo-Carbon Tempra was the UK’s first single room heat recovery unit that can be retrofitted through a 100mm diameter hole in the wall. This allows inefficient extract fans to be easily replaced with a discreet, low energy, continuously running alternative that offers up to 84% heat recovery . Single room heat recovery makes heat recovery more accessible and affordable for existing homes and so offers huge potential carbon reductions for both private and social housing.” The innovative design of the unit enables standard bathroom, kitchen, toilet or utility room fans to be easily changed for a Tempra without the need to make the hole any larger, saving substantially on installation time and cost. Now available with two different spigot sizes the Tempra can be fitted through wall depths of up to 320mm, or up to 460mm. Central to the Tempra’s compact footprint...