Retrofit solutions

When talking about refrigeration and air conditioning, how many installations are there throughout the world?
The number, if it exists, is definitely huge.
Retrofitting old systems, required in order to comply with the new environmental directives but also seen as a commercial opportunity, is definitely interesting.
Performing a retrofit on an existing system with the objective of implementing continuous and detailed monitoring in compliance with HACCP regulations allows the user to:

-control the temperatures of the all ready functioning chiller utilities with low impact systems, avoiding the replacement of the electronics installed on the utilities themselves;
-limit the amount of wiring by taking advantage of wireless technology and thus significantly reducing installation costs;
-simplify data registration procedures;
-register and monitor the data related to the system
-prevent and/or identify possible critical events and automatically advise the system supervisor through email, SMS or fax in order to implement corrective actions;
-process reports, tables and automatic graphs for system logs to be stored and archived according to HACCP regulations, reducing the time needed to complete the required forms;
-monitor the system, even remotely;
-receive all the parts needed for the installation from a single supplier.

CAREL offers the complete package for the electrical panel equipped with valve driver and electronic valve. It is a plug & play solution that allows quick replacement in the field.
In fact, the driver accepts a simple on/off signal that also comes from a mechanical thermostat and then it takes care of the rest. No special settings are needed because it is already preconfigured in the factory.
The old mechanical thermostat can therefore be easily replaced without any special modifications to the need to change the specific adjustment parameters, which is not always easy for the installers and more suited to a technical design.


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