
- an electrical panel for ON/OFF control of capacity;
- a pump power supply solenoid valve;
- inlet water pressure switch;
- an impeller pump with incorporated pressure adjustment valve calibrated at 10 bars;
- outlet pressure gauge;
- high temperature protection heating valve;
- drain solenoid valve for unit shutdown;
- modular stainless steel manifolds with 20 mm diameter;
- atomiser nozzles;
- distribution system drain solenoid valves, at line end;
- corrugated steel flexible connection hoses;
- metal compression fittings;
- UV system for cleaning and disinfecting water inside the cabinet (optional).
The pumping station is available in two versions: stainless steel version for demineralised water (recommended), or version for normal water with brass pump.
Supply and top-up water ChillBooster can operate with untreated drinking water and with demineralised water.
Following the evaporation process, the mineral salts dissolved in the supply water are in part destined to be transported by the flow of air as a very fine dust and in part deposited on the surface of the heat exchange fins or in the pipes.
The problem is minimised with the use of demineralised water via a reverse osmosis, as envisioned by the main standards, such as UNI 8884, VDI6022, VDI3803.
Applied to chiller/dry-coolers, to limit the formation of deposits on the surface of the coils. Whenever untreated water is used it is recommended to limit the use of ChillBooster only to when necessary and indicatively not over 200h per year.
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