The Masteraria AHU controls on the Wellington Arch

The Masteraria Control panel for AHUs installations are spreading out across the UK territory on very prestigious building sites. The latest installation last month has been on the Wellington Arch, in the heart of London, right next to the Royal Palace. The Carel Electrical panel, equipped with a PCO3 controller,  manages the thermo-higrometric conditions in the building guaranteeing a precision control. The dampers, Heating coils, the DX condensing units, are controlled by Masteraria panel making sure that the overall running efficiency of the AHU package it's at its best. 
Thanks to the 3 embedded comms ports of the PCO3 controller and the hi-tech MODBUS integrated Inverter (VFD) management of the new AHUE software, the Masteraria panel monitors the fan speed and airflow through a Modbus interface link, making available the inverter references straight from the semi-graphical, intuitive and user fridley display of the AHU controls.
i-A.C.Systems, the exclusive agent for the Carel's range of AHU products in the United Kingdom, had contributed to the design of the controls and the commissioned of the overall control's package.


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